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Mrs L Budde (ICT Coordinator)

Mrs L Annett

Miss A Bready


ICT Technician

Mr T Donaldson 


Key stage 3

In addition to the cross-curricular ICT provision, we have discrete ICT classes throughout the school. All pupils receive two periods of ICT per Year in Years 8-10. 

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

File Management,

introduction to Microsoft Word,

Email, E-Safety,


Presentation Software.


HTML coding


Social Media & Digital Footprint.

Website development


Online Discussion



Key stage 4




BTEC ICT consists of 4 modules across two years.

Year 11: Unit 1 – The Online World (external exam)

               Unit 6 – Creating Digital Graphics (coursework)

Year 12: Unit 9 – Spreadsheet Development (coursework)

               Unit 3 – A Digital Portfolio (coursework)


Each of these four modules carry equal weighting.

Unit 1 is the only module which is assessed via an external exam. This unit covers a range of theory topics from ‘Online Services’ to ‘Data Storage’ to ‘Threats to Data’.

The other three modules are all assessed by the class teacher via coursework.

Unit 6 involves creating an advertisement and user guide for a new mobile phone.

Unit 9 involves creating a spreadsheet for a local football club to keep track of their season ticket holders.

Unit 3 involves creating a digital portfolio of your skills and achievements for a potential IT employer.

IT qualifications are highly sought after in many careers. The BTEC ICT course gives students theoretical knowledge, as well as developing competent practical skills.


OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology Applications

Today’s work environment depends increasingly on a range of technologies. The OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology Applications is designed to provide learners with the IT skills required to function successfully in the work and wider environment.

In order to achieve the OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology Applications learners must complete a total of 15 credits.

The units that will be studied include:


Unit Title

Learning outcome

Spreadsheet Software

  • Be able to use a spreadsheet to enter, edit and organise data.
  • Be able to select and use appropriate formulas and data analysis tools.
  • Be able to select and use tools and techniques to present and format spreadsheet information​

Database Software

  • Create and modify non-relational database tables.
  • Enter, edit and organise structured information in a database.
  • Use database software tools to run queries and produce reports.

Email Software Skills

  • Use email software tools and techniques to compose and send emails.
  • Be able to manage incoming emails.​

Presentation Software

  • Be able to input and combine text and other information within presentation slides.
  • Be able to use presentation software tools to structure, edit and format slides.
  • Be able to prepare slides for presentation.

Social Media

  • Understand the opportunities and threats associated with using social media.
  • Understand the application of social media.


The Level 2 Certificate is equivalent to a Grade B at GCSE.



Digital Leaders


This year, pupils were given the opportunity to apply for a Digital Leader position!  Those interested applied for the role and with a large volume of applicants, positions were highly competitive. Many congratulations to those appointed! Having undertaken initial training, they are already starting to fulfil their role in supporting the use of and further developing ICT in school.